Indiana Jones : Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) filmcell.
Limited Edition to just 500 pieces worldwide.
Certificate of Authenticity from
Archeology professor Indiana Jones narrowly escapes death in a South American temple with a gold idol - by poison dart, fall, and finally a giant boulder that chases him out the front. An old enemy, Rene Belloq, steals the idol and then orders Hovito indians after Indy. Indy, however, escapes back to the USA, where Army Intelligence officers are waiting for him at his university. They tell him about a flurry of Nazi archaeological activity near Cairo, which Indy determines to be the possible resting place of the Ark of the Covenant - the chest that carried the 10 Commandments.
Your personal film cell's are hand picked so you only get main characters and
scenes from the film. That way we can guarantee you will always get the best
Each filmcell measure approx 11 x 9 inches and are professionally mounted in black with
matching backs. They are framed with the whole display placed between two
pieces of acrylic to protect the cells but still allowing you to view the cells
from either side.
Each presentation bears a plaque engraved with the title and limited edition number.